Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Absorbing Water Experiment

For this experiment, the girls each filled a cup to a certain line.  Half of the girls used cold water and the other half used warm water.  They then added 4 or 5 drops of food coloring to the water, we had 4 colors and 8 girls so each color was used once in the cold water and once in the warm water.  An empty cup was then placed next to each one with water and a paper towel connected the two cups.  I had each of the girls write down guesses for which colors and temperatures would move fastest and slowest from one cup to the other.  They watched as the water began to spread and then waited.  After noticing that some water had moved into each of the cups that started empty, the girls measured how much water had moved into each empty cup to see which colors moved faster than others.  The girls predicted at this point what they thought would happen overnight, if the water would keep flowing completely into the second cup or if it would balance out.

Lab Sheet:  https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VMIpTXgJ6irq6JB7aeIq5do-0FZzNOwRPZkwfxXyPgs/edit?usp=sharing

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