Thursday, July 3, 2014

Camp Schedule (Day 3): The final day of camp started with work time on the girls' Rube Goldberg machines. Then they were given time to decorate their bridges. The bridges quickly became colorful and full of glitter. Using surface tension, the girls learned how to make paperclips float as well before lunch. Lunch was eaten in the hallway this day due to bad weather outside. After lunch brought a forensic activity in solving which powder reacted in vinegar and then after the girls learned which was the baking soda, we made witch's potions that bubbled with color and glitter. The girls then finished their Rube Goldberg machines before completing a science obstacle race. When the day was over, the girls' parents came and we tested their bridges and ran their Rube Goldberg machines in front of their parents. Both bridges were very strong and all of the Rube Goldberg machines were successful for the parent show.

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